Alright, I thought to myself on the walk home, maybe I don't know what's going on, probably don't, but I'm still not willing to sacrifice my morals. Somewhere behind me I could hear a single crocodile tear sizzle as it rain down the devil's cheek.
I said, to myself more than him, "Sorry, buddy, but I'm spoken for," then immediately felt like an idiot. First off, I'm not spoken for. Secondly, so what if I was? Does the devil give two shits about my relationship status? Finally, and most importantly, what kind of snappy reply was that? Not witty, not unique, not funny. Worthless. I'd been shown up by Lucifer's tears.
Whatever, that was behind me. All of it was behind me. What exactly did I pass up? Not sure. Not something good, I was pretty confident of that, but I otherwise just couldn't be sure.
By the time I made it home the moon was already full. Home seemed further that night. The lights were all behind me. I couldn't see the bar, couldn't see the lights of any other businesses, no street lights, never any cars. The night had turned creepy.
In the distance a token wolf silhouette howled. The door to my home was locked, of course, and I fumbled for the key, dropping one as I am expected to do. Behind me I could see two far off eyes burning in the darkness. Finally I managed to get the door open, rush inside and slam it behind me. Finally. I slid down, my back against the door and exhaled.
When I opened my eyes those twin glowing embers were still there. Closer.
He said,
If you won't dance with me, I'll dance with you.
if you wont dance with me ill dance with you if you wont dance with me ill dance with you
And he did. A slow sweeping waltz through the darkness of my living room. He cackled with delight while I wept tears of pain and loss and tragedy that I didn't know I had and flooded my home.
I said, "Why are you doing this? Why me?" Not a question.
He said, "..." Not an answer.
I said, "If this is a nightmare then I'm ready to wake up!"
He said, "No."