I pounded my beer down in a single massive gulp and slammed it down on the bar. I said, "I can't just write all of you off like that."
Darren just smiled. Paul was shuffling through the mail in his satchel. Somebody was putting quarters in the jukebox. Darren broke the silence. "You've gotta forget us eventually."
"Well," I said, "I've got nowhere to go for now so no point in trying to forget already."
Darren set down a full beer in front of me and started to pour another. "No that," he said, "is something we can all drink to."
We all said cheers. I drank my beer. Darren drank his beer. Paul drank his bong water.
"There is one thing you have to always remember, though."
"What's that?"
"Tempus edax rerums."
"They keep telling me that," I said, "But I feel great, I don't think I've aged a day since I've been here."
Paul said, "Me either, Erwin, me either."
Outside, the sun was growing darker and colder. I said, "I think I'm missing something."
Paul said, "One thing I've learned from delivering mail, you can only ever cover one street at a time but eventually you'll hit every house. Maybe you are missing something, maybe a lot, but your work day has just started."
"Paul," I said, "please stop talking in fucking riddles. Every time you open your mouth I feel the need to pull my hair out."
He said, "Sorry, man, I just thought your life seemed a little boring, thought I'd mix it up a little for you."
Life is good boring. If nothing is going on, nothing is going wrong.
"No worries," I said, lifting my beer to him. I excused myself to take a piss in the corner.
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