Eat a sandwich.

You decide, with the world open to you and enough time to do anything, you might just...make a sandwich? Well, whatever. You're laying a hearty coat of mustard down on the bread when you notice something strange; it seems to have taken the shape of a face.

Speaking from your condiments, Dream says, "Do you know what it means to squander a gift?"

"Um...yes?" you say to your sandwich.

"I've given you opportunities to step outside of what you see every day, and you've stubbornly clung to the mundane through all of it. Ordinarily, that's fine, but I came to you asking for something interesting and..." He pauses to place his head in his hand. "Why don't you just wake up for now and live my story another night." You blink at him, but when your eyes flick back open it's to your darkened bedroom.

Maybe your next dream will just be normal on its own.