Explain that it's your own car.

"You see, officer," you explain, "I seem to have lost my keys. This is actually my car, and I had to break out the windows and hotwire it because I couldn't be bothered to look for them."

"Oh," he says, "I see." He says that, but it almost seems as though he doesn't believe you, because he immediately has you step out of the car and puts handcuffs on you.

"Wait," you say, "let me explain!"

"You already did," he tells you.

"Oh, yeah," you answer.

He starts reading you your rights as he walks you over to the cruiser. With each word his voice drones a little more, until he's no longer speaking but screaming the blare of an alarm clock at you; it's time to wake up.

Make sure you have your keys and your phone before you leave today.