You know you could see any of the Seven Wonders of the World, as well as any great river or canyon you can think of, but all of those seem a little too mundane. No, you want to see something so incredible that people don't even believe it exists. With that thought as your goal, you hop in your car and drive to the middle of the ocean. A quick check with your GPS says Atlantis is right below you, so you dive out of the car and swim a mile below the surface.
The lost city is deep, but you can make out the twinkle of a thousand magical lights before you even get close. At least, that's your first thought, but you quickly start to wonder if perhaps the lights you're seeing are an extension of the lack of oxygen the depths have imposed on your brain. You'd swim back up, but you're already deeper than it's even possible for you to dive, so what's the point?