You decide, knowing full well that you're in a dream, you might as well wait it out and see what happens. You sit down on your couch, thinking idly about the message and the series of numbers, and considering if maybe you should be concerned. Time passes quickly, as it is wont to do in dreams, and soon it's tomorrow.
You're not sure what time the message had specified you were scheduled to die, but you notice in the morning that you've accquired a sort of digital timer floating in the space above your head.
With almost three hours to go, you decide to make a sandwich and watch a few reruns of Full House. It's not great, as you can only watch the parts you remember.
01:12:52You're picking one nostril when a fly soars directly into the opposite side of your nose. The sudden intrusion triggers and sudden snort, pulling the insect deep into your sinuses and making you gag. A quick cough later and the fly is flying once more, this time amid a spray of mucus from your mouth. You get a drink of water and keep waiting.
My god, this is taking forever. You're wondering if maybe you're going to die of boredom in 26 minutes.
There's still no sign of an attacker, a trap, or anything interesting at all. You're already planning your wrath in the event that you waited all this time for nothing.
Hell yes, finally! You're about to reach the conclusion of that seemingly eternal counter, for better or worse. You're not expecting much, though; it's probably just some childish...