Check out the repeating scenery.

Something is very strange here, and you set out to find exactly what that is. After some investigating, you come to a shocking conclusion: you're not sure what's going on. You're in some sort of infinite loop, perhaps, where you exit one side and come back in from the opposite, like Pac Man. Alternatively, maybe the Earth has become very small and you're just walking around the circumference of it over and over. Whatever the reason, you can't seem to get anywhere. You're stuck in this same area, whether very small and looping or infinite and infinitely similar. You're alone, with nothing but the clothes on your back. There is shelter and you can find food in the few houses that exist in their multitudes. You don't die, not in the span of this dream, but slowly the months and years of solitude in this strange enviroment chip away at your psyche. By the time you wake, you're a shell, no longer fit to function in society.

Life on loop.