...a cell phone?

"If you just had my cell phone," you explain, "you would be able to play games, or message your friends, or surf the internet. You wouldn't be bored or have to kill people who wanted into the jungle that replaced their homes anymore."

The monkeys murmer amongst themselves for a moment, then the leader turns back to you. "What about the bill? We can't get jobs, you know."

"It's okay," you lie, "I'll keep paying it."

The chief primate seems skeptical. "How do I know you won't just drop the service after we let you go?"

"I'll..." you hesitate before coming up with an idea. "I'll leave my credit card with you; it's a small price for my life, right?" You take your library card from your wallet and hand it over, hoping this isn't your undoing. You could have just given the card, then cancelled it later, but they probably can't read, anyway.

The boss accepts it without looking and says, "Alright, fine; we'll take that phone and you can be on your way." He hold out his hand. He's expecting something.