Pound away with a hammer fist.

You pounce on top of your fallen victim, fully prepared to end the fight with harsh brutality. You bring your left fist down first, crunching against his face and crumbling his cheek bone. The second hand comes down next, but he is ready; the primate catches you strike and rolls on top of you. Even as he still struggles for air, the foe's assault is unrelenting. One hand after the other is pounding on you, using the elbow as a fulcrum to smash like hammers, the same technique you had just tried to employ. At first, you can turn the blows, and take only grazing damage. With each hit, your muscles ache more, and it's harder to defend yourself, but your attacker seems dauntless and inexhaustable. Soon your arms are just limp and failing shields, but still he doesn't stop, not until you're little more than a chunky red pudding.

You just learned how traditional blood pudding is made.