How does one cope with abstract grief at the loss of someone your father was? Well, there are a few ways, but you decide hosting a large party would be ideal. You're rich, so you ignore expenses, buying expensive booze and whatever else seems to fuel this step in your grieving process. Pretty much anything and everything else, in fact.
Having invested so much in the drinks and catering and party favors, you imbibe heavily. Having never been the recipient of a large sum of money before, you've also never had the chance to cut loose quite like all this before. From this point, everything becomes hazy, then quickly unrecognizable altogether. Your dream turns into a rush of intoxication until the experience blurs into the true restless sleep of one racked by greedily consumed toxins. In a strange way, the effect is harder on your body; your liver, kidneys, heart and lungs all struggle to compensate for your nocturnal imaginings. One by one, your mind tricks your organs into overreacting until each can't go on, shutting down and letting you slowly die from no more than an intense dream.